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LaTeX article template

Here a small example of a document in the article class with title, author, abstract and section. Including some text stuff like itemizations, enumeration and descriptions. The document will not have an extra titlepage, even if it has a title, author and date on the first page. There is no need to load other additional packages.
\title{A Small \LaTeX{} Article Template\thanks{To your mother}}
\author{Your Name  \\
	Your Company / University  \\
	The Other Dude \\
	His Company / University \\

% Hint: \title{what ever}, \author{who care} and \date{when ever} could stand 
% before or after the \begin{document} command 
% BUT the \maketitle command MUST come AFTER the \begin{document} command! 


Short introduction to subject of the paper \ldots 

Make it possible for all to write documents with \LaTeX{}!

First we start with a little example of the article class, which is an 
important documentclass. But there would be other documentclasses like 
book \ref{book}, report \ref{report} and letter \ref{letter} which are 
described in Section \ref{documentclasses}. Finally, Section 
\ref{conclusions} gives the conclusions.

\section{Documentclasses} \label{documentclasses}

\item article
\item book 
\item report 
\item letter 

\item article
\item book 
\item report 
\item letter 

\item[article\label{article}]{Article is \ldots}
\item[book\label{book}]{The book class \ldots}
\item[report\label{report}]{Report gives you \ldots}
\item[letter\label{letter}]{If you want to write a letter.}

There is no longer \LaTeX{} example which was written by \cite{doe}.

\bibitem[Doe]{doe} \emph{First and last \LaTeX{} example.},
John Doe 50 B.C. 


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